On Mar 15, 2005, at 11:12 AM, John Baku wrote:
> I have some questions for those of you who use Textdrive to host their
> rails
> application(s).
> 1) How do I know what version of Rails they are using? Do they always
> use the
> latest? Are all sites automatically updated at the same time? Do we
> have to
> upgrade our own version of Rails?
> 2) I have not uploaded my app yet to textdrive. Is the following
> how-to still
> valid:
> http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/show/HowtoInstallOnTextDrive
> Thanks in advance for your input.
> Your Friend,
> John
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They update to the latest stable gems pretty quickly. If your
application uses gems it will be updated, though you can pin your app
to specific older versions if necessary (I think there are docs on this
on the wiki). If you use your own rails in vendor/ for example, you''ll
have to take care of updating that yourself.
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