Hello Gurus, I'm using one of the function, i.e. extractModelParameters, from the MplusAutomation package to read parameters fromMplus out files into R. I have 360 cells and each cell has several out files (max. 100). I'm extracting the model parameters from each cell and doing subsequent calculations, primarily, on 'est.' column. The following code demonstrates how I'm extracting the parameters and referencing the est. column: CurrentDir = paste("D:/Dissertation/Mplus_Output_2Class_LGMM/",a,"-",b,"-",c,"-",d,"-",e,"-",f, sep="") modelResults <- extractModelParameters(CurrentDir, recursive=FALSE, dropDimensions=TRUE) numReps = length(list.files(CurrentDir, pattern="*.out")) after the above code is executed, 'modelResults' has all the data from the out files as different elements of the returned list. I'm accessing est. column from each element in the following way: for (g in 1:numReps) MeansTempC1[counterC1] <- modelResults[[g]]$est[31] I'm able to get the values from the est. column successfully for 359 cells which consist of 29532 out files. For just 1 particular cell, when I try to access the est. column or any other column in that out file, i.e. est_se or paramHeader, i get the value of NULL and I'm not able to figure out why. The same code is working for 29532 out files but not for 70 files in that 1 cell. I would really appreciate if you can assist me troubleshoot this issue. I have been working on this problem since last Sunday and after spending 6 days I still not able to figure out the problem. Your help is truly appreciated. Regards Vaib [[alternative HTML version deleted]]