I poked around a bit in config/environments, and it looks like moving to production turns on caching. What exactly is it caching here? It''s an option in ActionController... does that mean that there''s now a cache of rendered pages, thus avoiding processing & database accesses for certain pages? The database content of the pages I''m working on now change very infrequently, so as much caching as possible is good. Are there other things I can cache? (Eg, how would I enable the HTTP headers that tell the browser to cache pages for a month?) Also, how do I make my 404 error pages render in the same page layout as the rest of the site? Thanks. -- One Guy With A Camera http://rbpark.ath.cx
Read the docs => http://rails.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActionController/Caching.html :-) Rob Park wrote:>I poked around a bit in config/environments, and it looks like moving >to production turns on caching. What exactly is it caching here? It''s >an option in ActionController... does that mean that there''s now a >cache of rendered pages, thus avoiding processing & database accesses >for certain pages? The database content of the pages I''m working on >now change very infrequently, so as much caching as possible is good. >Are there other things I can cache? (Eg, how would I enable the HTTP >headers that tell the browser to cache pages for a month?) > >Also, how do I make my 404 error pages render in the same page layout >as the rest of the site? > >Thanks. > > >