Hi, I have defined this route as the first one: map.connect '':controller_prefixx/:controller/:action'', :controller_prefixx => ''rails_right'' (for the test, I put a second x at the end to be sure I don''t collide from the :controller_prefix used in rails). In my view, I have this: <% @rights.each do |right| %> <tr> <td class="column_data"><%= link_to("Delete", :action => "delete", :id => right.right_id) %></td> <td class="column_data"><%= link_to(right.right_name, :action => "update", :id => right.right_id) %></td> <td class="column_data"><%= right.right_description %></td> </tr> <% end %> the problem is that rails_right is not present in the URL generated. I thought that with the rule pasted above, it would generate the url http://host/rails_right/right/delete/45 in place of http://host/right/delete/45 Did I misunderstand? thanks Raph