Hello, *I have some issues with furnction that I've used before and that are not working anymore. I want to check the autocorrelation of an object merMCMC but the function autocorr did not acccept merMCMC object.Is there any ither funtion that I could use?* *>mm0.REML<-lmer(TD~1+SEXE+(1|PROVINCE),data=tab,REML=TRUE)* *> samp3<-mcmcsamp(mm0.REML,n=60000,saveb=TRUE)* *> autocorr.diag(samp3)* Error in UseMethod("autocorr.diag") : no applicable method for 'autocorr.diag' applied to an object of class "merMCMC" * When I want to use the sndow function I've got strange message...* *I'm using R 2.11.1 version * *> samp4<-window(samp3,start=10002,end=60000,thin=1)* Error in window.default(samp3, 1002, 60000, thin = 1) : 'start' cannot be after 'end' In addition: Warning message: In window.default(samp3, 1002, 60000, thin = 1) : 'end' value not changed *I'm sure I'm missing something, but I can not see it* *Thank you* *Cecile* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]