Hi Hannah,
First, don't forget to add a subject to your email!
Second, the best way to share data is to copy/paste the output from the
dput() function into the email.
I have never used pvclust, but the error tells you that your object
"cluster" is not a matrix.
What does str(cluster) return?
You may think it's a matrix, but depending on how you've created it, it
might be a data.frame or something else.
str() is a very useful function.
Le 8/9/2010 11:22, Holt, Hannah Rebecca a écrit :> Hi there,
> I have been trying to use the "pvclust" package but have been
> some difficulties. This is the first time I have used R so I am sure the
> mistake I am making is a basic one. The data I have is a distance matrix
> and I have been using the command; fit<- pvclust(cluster, nboot=1000,
> method.dist="euclidean") to try and perform hierarchical
clustering with
> bootstrapped p-values, but I get the error message; Error in
> t.default(x) : argument is not a matrix. I guess there is a problem with
> the way the data is laid out, do you know how the data should be
> displayed in order to get the command to work (the data I am using I
> have pasted below), I have tried various methods of organising it!
> V1 V2 V3 V4
> 1 0.00000000 0.03162278 0.05830952 0.1315295
> 2 0.03162278 0.00000000 0.06000000 0.1627882
> 3 0.05830952 0.06000000 0.00000000 0.1627882
> 4 0.13152946 0.16278821 0.16278821 0.0000000
> Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind Regards,
> Hannah
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