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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2010 Aug 09
Fwd: RE: pvclust function
You should reply to the list, not just me, and even more because I cannot really help you!! My guess (but I don't know this package, and even less this function) is that pvclust() is expecting a matrix as the first argument. However, "cluster" is no data, it is a function. Why, I don't know. Take a closer look at ?pvclust, especially the "usage",
2010 Jul 20
p-values pvclust maximum distance measure
Hi, I am new to clustering and was wondering why pvclust using "maximum" as distance measure nearly always results in p-values above 95%. I wrote an example programme which demonstrates this effect. I uploaded a PDF showing the results Here is the code which produces the PDF file: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s <-
2011 Mar 05
pvclust crashing R on Ubuntu 10.10
Hi all I am writing to you with a question regarding the pvclust package. And yes, before the usual people produce their usual contact-the-package-maintainers line, ye, I tried that but the emails one can find on the web either bounce or are not responded to. Also, yes, this error has already been reported as a bug but been shot down as not reproducible
2006 Jul 10
pvclust missing values problem
Hello all, I posted a question to this list last week and received no response. I am unsure if this means no-one knows the answer or if I posed the question badly. I'm going to assume I posed the question badly and try again. I am new to R so it is quite likely it's a very naive question, however if there is something blindingly obvious that I am missing or if there is another resource I
2010 Aug 10
p-values with pvclust
Hi, if you look at the first image (Image1) you see that there are 2 main clusters 7 and 8 I wanted to use pvclust to calculate a p-value whether these clusters are due to chance or statistically significant. Unfortunately pvclust does not provide a p-value for the first brunch (7 and 8). So I added a row to my matrix which is very different to the rest of the data to create an additional
2007 Jun 08
How to do clustering
Dear List, I have another question to bother you about how to do clustering. My data consists of 49 columns (49 variables) and 238804 rows. I would like to do hierarchical clustering (unsupervised clustering and PCA). So far I tried pvclust (*pvclust* /) but I always had the problem like for R like "cannot allocate the memory". I am curious about what
2012 Dec 06
clustering of binary data
Good morning, I am analyzing a dataset composed by 364 subjects and 13 binary variables (0,1 = absence,presence). I am testing possible association (co-presence) of my variables. To do this, I was trying with cluster analysis. My main interest is to check for the significance of the obtained clusters. First, I tried with the pvclust() function, by using method.hclust="ward" and
2011 Mar 14
hclust() memory issue
Hi, I have a microarray dataset of dimension 25000x30 and try to clustering using hclust(). But the clustering on the rows failed due to the size: > y<-hclust(dist(data),method='average') Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb I tried to increase the memory using memory.limit(size=3000), still got the same error. I also tried agnes() from cluster package and pvclust() from
2007 Dec 07
pvclust warning message
Hi all I am trying to perform the follwing: fit<-pvclust(wq, method.hclust="ward", method.dist="euclidean") but get a strange error message that I just cant figure out. Has anyone come across this? Any help would be most appricieated Error in hclust(distance, method = method.hclust) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 11) In addition: Warning message: NAs
2006 Jul 06
pvclust Error:NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 11)
Hi all, I'm new to R and I'm struggling to decipher an error message. Briefly, I am trying to use the pvclust package to do hierarchical clustering of some CGH data. The data is from the Progenetix CGH database. It is arranged as a table where each column is a single case and each row is a single chromosome band. The value in each cell is either 0, 1, 2, or -1. Corresponding to no change,
2008 Sep 05
Error: can not allocate vector of 117.3 Mb
Hi R users,   I am doing multiscale bootstrapping for clustering through pvclust package. I have large data set (observations 182 and variables 5546). When i tried to make bootstrapping, then i got message as "Bootstrap (r = 0.5)............Error: cannot allocate vector of size 117.3 Mb". I am new R user and could not understand what is the problem and also don't know the easiet
2014 Jul 28
Split PVClust plot
Dear All I'm using PVClust to perform hierarchical clustering, for the output plot I can control most of the graphical I need, however the plot is large and I would like to split it vertically into two panels one above the other. Is there a way to plot only part of a PVClust plot, I tried to convert it to a dendrogram with result2 = as.dendrogram(result) however I get the error message
2009 Jul 09
Node colors in pvclust
Is there a way to assign color to nodes as with hclust/as.dendrogram/dendrapply when using pvclust? The problem is that as.dendrogram isn't working on the pvclust objects. library(pvclust) pvc <- pvclust(matrix, nboot=1000) plot(pvc) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2013 Jul 26
variación en los resultados de k medias (Alfredo Alvarez)
Buen día, no sé si estoy utilizando bien la lista, es la primera vez. Si lo hago mal me corrigen por favor. Sobre tu comentario Pedro, muchas gracias. Lo qeu entiendo con tu sugerencia de set.seed es qeu de esa forma fijas los resultados, pero no estoy seguro si otra agrupación funcione mejor. Es decir me interesa un método de agrupación que genere la "mejor" agrupación y como los
2011 Apr 28
visualizing bootstrapped dendrogram
I want to classify bipolar neurons in human cochleas and have data of the following structure: Vol_Nuc Vol_Soma 1 186.23 731.96 2 204.58 4370.96 3 539.98 7344.86 4 477.71 6939.28 5 421.22 5588.53 6 276.61 1017.05 7 392.28 6392.32 8 424.43 6190.13 9 256.41 3850.51 10 249.17 3118.14 11 276.97 3037.29 12 295.30 3703.76 13 314.43 5265.97 14 301.15 5781.73 I
2010 Feb 02
hvcluster() with distance method from vegdist(), package = vegan
hello, i'd be happy if someone could provide help with the following problem: i have a dist.matrix that comes from vegdist() function of the vegan package. the used method = "horn" is not accepted as argument in hvcluster(...,dist.method="..."). is there a way to incorporate the method "horn" in hvcluster()? thanks in advance! yours, kay -- View this
2011 Jul 04
clustering based on most significant pvalues does not separate the groups!
Hi all, I have some microarray data on 40 samples that fall into two groups. I have a value for 480k probes for each of those samples. I performed a t test (rowttests) on each row(giving the indices of the columns for each group) then used p.adjust() to adjust the pvalues for the number of tests performed. I then selected only the probes with adj-p.value<=0.05. I end up with roughly 2000
2008 Jun 25
pvclust:a general and a specific question
I realize questions about packages should go to the package maintainer, but perhaps I have an old email address (suzuki3 at Also I have both a general, and a specific, question. 1) General question: i've used pvclust before to assess significance of clusters and got reasonable results. However, on a new data set (see below) the results seem odd. I wonder if pvclust is a
2011 Nov 15
Bootstrap values for hierarchical tree based on distaance matrix
I would like to get an hierarchical clustering tree with bootstrap values indicated on the nodes, as in pvclust. The problem is that I have only distance matrix instead of the raw data, required for pvclust. Is there a way to get it? fit1 <- hclust(dist) # an object of class '"dist" plot(fit1) # dendogram without p values library(pvclust) fit2 <- pvclust(,
2008 Jun 16
pvclust distance matrix
Hello, I am attempting to assign significance levels to a UPGMA cluster analysis as part my doctoral research. The pvclust function works well but doesn't include the similarity index I need (morisita's) as an option for computing a distance matrix. Morisita's is available in vegdist in the VEGAN library but I am having a hard time getting the vegdist function to "direct