Hello experts.
Sorry this is such a novice question, but I have been trying, fruitlessly to
get my x axis to angle at 45 degrees. I have tried the text() call with srt
and adj and just cannot get my labels to tilt. Does anyone have any other
suggestions? The following is my command for the graph. Thanks in advance
for any help you might be able to provide!
Saline <- structure(list(Time = c(-20L, 0, 30L, 45L, 60L, 80L, 110L, 140L,
200L, 260L, 320L), Average = c(0, NA, 0, 3.227902, 5.066664,
6.107491, 6.968231, 7.325713, 7.875194, 6.513927, 4.204342),
SEM = c(0, NA, 0, 0.7462524, 1.1623944, 1.5027762, 1.3799637,
1.2282053, 1.1185175, 0.5386359, 0.6855906)), .Names = c("Time
"Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)", "SEM"), class =
row.names = c("1", "2",
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "11"))
plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], err="y",
pt.bg=par("bg"),pch=19, cex=3 ,gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-30,340),xaxp=c(-30,320,12), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,14),
yaxp=c(0,14,14), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)",
Ex <- structure(list(Time = c(-20L, 0, 30L, 45L, 60L, 80L, 110L, 140L,200L,
260L, 320L), Average = c(0, NA, 0, 3.901, 5.654, 8.272, 8.061, 9.332,9.0033,
6.295, 4.313),SEM = c(0, NA, 0, 0.618, 0.991, 0.994, 0.857,1.319, 1.014,
0.822, 0.785)), .Names = c("Time (min)",
"Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)", "SEM"), class =
row.names = c("1", "2",
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "11"))
plotCI(x=Ex [,1],y=Ex [,2], uiw=Ex [,3], err="y",
pt.bg="white",pch=21, col="black",cex=3 ,gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-30,340),xaxp=c(-30,320,12), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,14),
yaxp=c(0,14,14), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)",
font.lab=2, axes=FALSE,
add=TRUE, cex.lab=1.9)
axis(1, at=c("-20", "0", "30", "45",
"60", "80", "110", "140",
"200", "260",
"320"), lwd=2, font=2, pos=0,cex.axis=1.3)
axis(2, las=1, at=c("0", "2", "4", "6",
"8", "10", "12", "14"), lwd=2,
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