Dear R helpers, Any suggestion on how to make the 2D gaussian to show up ON TOP of the map, instead of below the continents? Example code: library(mapdata) x<-seq(-15,15,.2);y<-seq(30,55,.2) expone<-function(x,y){10*exp(-sqrt(x*x+(y-40)*(y-40))/2)} z<-outer(x,y,expone) filled.contour(x,y,z,levels=c(2,4,6,8,10),plot.axes=map("worldHires",add=T,col="lightgrey",fill=T)) Also, any idea on how to fill the ocean with a background color (e.g. green)? Best regards and thank you, Víctor. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Víctor Homar Santaner Grup de Meteorologia Departament de Física Edif. Mateu Orfila Tel: +34 971 17 2505 Universitat de les Illes Balears Fax: +34 971 17 3426 07122 Palma de Mallorca (SPAIN) Email: Knowledge is contagious. Infect truth. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]