Dear useRs,
How could I obtain the confidence intervals for the means of my treatments, when
my data was fitted to a GLM?
I need the CI's for the Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions.
Here's what I have:
mydata1 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4,20),
'value'=rpois(80, 1))
model1 <- glm(value ~ treatments, data=mydata1, family=poisson)
means1 <- with(mydata1, tapply(value, treatments, mean))
now I need the confidence intervals for the means
And then again for a negative binomial GLM
mydata2 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4, 4, 64, LETTERS[1:4]),
'species'=gl(4, 1, 64, letters[1:4]), 'value'=rnegbin(64,1,1))
model2 <- glm.nb(value ~ treatments*species, data=mydata2)
means2 <- with(cbind('x'=gl(16,4),mydata2), tapply(value, x, mean))
Can I get the confidence intervals for each mean in means1 and means2, according
to the family used?
Thanks in advance, all the best!
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