Take a look at the FactoMineR and vegan packages. They may contain what
you are looking for.
On 1/7/10 9:26 AM, Martin Ivanov wrote:> Dear R users,
> I need to know whether the factor graphics with principal component
analysis are implemented in R. I mean the graphs where the variables are
represented in a correlation circle, as described in more detail in this
> http://www.unesco.org/webworld/idams/advguide/Chapt6_4_3.htm
> It is not a pain to program it myself, nevertheless it would be a waste of
> if it is already implemented in R.
> Regards,
> Martin
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Greg Hirson
ghirson at ucdavis.edu
Graduate Student
Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry
1106 Robert Mondavi Institute North
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616