Hi Rover,
You can get info of what buildin generatros are doing from the
generator script itself with the -h option:
[C:\rails\Projects\sa3]ruby script\generate -h controller
Usage: script/generate controller ControllerName [options]
General Options:
-p, --pretend Run but do not make any changes.
-f, --force Overwrite files that already exist.
-s, --skip Skip files that already exist.
-q, --quiet Suppress normal output.
-t, --backtrace Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --svn Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn mu
st be in path)
The controller generator creates stubs for a new controller and its views.
The generator takes a controller name and a list of views as arguments.
The controller name may be given in CamelCase or under_score and should
not be suffixed with ''Controller''. To create a controller
within a
module, specify the controller name as
The generator creates a controller class in app/controllers with view
templates in app/views/controller_name, a helper class in app/helpers,
and a functional test suite in test/functional.
./script/generate controller CreditCard open debit credit close
Credit card controller with URLs like /credit_card/debit.
Controller: app/controllers/credit_card_controller.rb
Views: app/views/credit_card/debit.rhtml [...]
Helper: app/helpers/credit_card_helper.rb
Test: test/functional/credit_card_controller_test.rb
Modules Example:
./script/generate controller ''admin/credit_card'' suspend
Credit card admin controller with URLs /admin/credit_card/suspend.
Controller: app/controllers/admin/credit_card_controller.rb
Views: app/views/admin/credit_card/debit.rhtml [...]
Helper: app/helpers/admin/credit_card_helper.rb
Test: test/functional/admin/credit_card_controller_test.rb
On 12/22/05, rover rhubarb
wrote:> I can find the API documentation, but where is the documentation for the
> standard generators. The wiki has 3rd party generators- but I want to
> know specifically what generate controller does, and how it differs from
> generate scaffold, and what other generators there are.
> Where is this succinctly documented?
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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