Thanks, can anyone explain a little more on what "beta" version means?
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Frank Bloos
> I am using SWord from statconn:
> It allows you to put r-commands into Word (similar to odfWeave). Output is
> directed to Word including figures and tables. It is still a beta-version
> but works fine.
> Frank Bloos
> >>> Wenjie Lee <> 12.12.2009
00:28 >>>
> Hi R Experts,
> I'm aware of pdf(), jpeg(),... functions. But,
> 1. Is it also possible to export graphs directly to word or RTF? I use to
> copy and paste graphs but resolutions are not so great.
> 2. Also, is it possible to export your out to word file? I use sink()
> function to export it text files.
> Any suggestions, thanks,
> Wenjie Lee
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