Sorry. My previous code didn't quite display my problem correctly. To make
my point more clear, I want to use my "groups" as the label for the
or rather the point itself. The key becomes illegible with many groups.
dat<-expand.grid(x=x, y=y, f1=f1, f2=f2)
dat$ID <- 1:dim(dat)[1]
xyplot(y~x | f1 + f2, groups=ID,dat)
xyplot(y~x | f1 + f2, groups=ID,auto.key=TRUE,dat) # more accurate rep of
problem with key
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Pat Schmitz <> wrote:
> I am using a plot to inspect data points, and I would like to identify each
> point with respect to an ID. At issue is that I am producing a faceted plot
> with many IDs (96) and the key is far to large to accurately identify
> by color.
> 1) Can you direct me on labeling or printing data points by an ID instead
> of a point, as in "ID" in this toy example
> 2) alternately is there method for printing a key for each panel which
> shows only those IDs which appear in the panel at hand?
> x<-as.factor(1:5)
> y<-rnorm(1:10)
> ID<-1:5
> f1<-c("a","b")
> f2<-c("x","y")
> dat<-expand.grid(x=x, y=y, id=ID, f1=f1, f2=f2)
> xyplot(y~x | f1 + f2, dat)
> Thanks
> Pat
> --
> Patrick Schmitz
> Graduate Student
> Plant Biology
> 1206 West Gregory Drive
> RM 1500
Patrick Schmitz
Graduate Student
Plant Biology
1206 West Gregory Drive
RM 1500
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