I write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog: http://blog.revolution-computing.com . In case you missed them, here are some articles from last month of particular interest to R users. http://bit.ly/16wIdo offered a sneak peek of the debugger we've since released for subscribers of REvolution R Enterprise on Windows: http://bit.ly/1uxU3w . http://bit.ly/sZLaR brought news of big changes for us here at REvolution Computing, with new funding and a new CEO. http://bit.ly/3j0cuv showcased Jeroen Oons' web-based interface to the lme4 package. http://bit.ly/2cAIzQ linked to some animated data visualizations created with R. http://bit.ly/12JNM1 celebrated the 50,000th update to the R source code, and linked to Romain Fran?ois' analysis of the rate of code changes over time. http://bit.ly/zaP0l brought news of new R user groups in Germany, Spain, and Washington, DC. http://bit.ly/uIRHM linked to some pointers on getting started with Machine Learning in R. http://bit.ly/HE5Zj lists seven tips for surviving R, based on John Mount's talk at the Bay Area UseR Group. http://bit.ly/3Ycpaj announced the inclusion of REvolution R in the recent Ubuntu Linux update. http://bit.ly/1POcTb provides a source of up-to-date political and administrative boundaries for geographic maps in R. http://bit.ly/WsDbt shows how to export several data frames from R to a multi-sheet Excel workbook. http://bit.ly/4pLnIV linked to some tips on using Hadley Wickham's handy ply package. http://bit.ly/1kU871 reminds that the UseR! conference will be in Maryland USA next year, and you can register and submit abstracts now. Other non-R-specific stories in the last month covered polling fraud (http://bit.ly/iU7RO), how Shazam can identify a song from a noisy 10-second clip (http://bit.ly/26TPwd) and (on the lighter side) Carl Sagan singing (http://bit.ly/L8sTu), data mining disasters (http://bit.ly/oaCVu), truthful lottery tickets (http://bit.ly/3bLG9a), and a music video featuring trigonometry (http://bit.ly/2wH6q4). (I've provided short URLs above because many mailers break the long direct URLs.) The R Community Calendar has also been updated at: http://blog.revolution-computing.com/calendar.html As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions to me at david at revolution-computing.com . Don't forget you can also follow the blog using an RSS reader like Google Reader, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). Cheers to all, # David Smith -- David M Smith <david at revolution-computing.com> VP of Community, REvolution Computing ?http://blog.revolution-computing.com Tel: +1 (206) 577-4778 x3203 (Palo Alto, CA, USA) Download REvolution R free: www.revolution-computing.com/downloads/revolution-r.php