I am trying do to a PCA analysis using princomp. I get a result, but I wonder if I have the data in the correct format. My data contains many stations where fish were sampled as well as environmental information for each station (lat, lon, depth, temp and year). the format is like this: species 1| species 2 | species 3|.......|lat | lon | depth | temp| year 1 3 132 42 70 200 2 1988 4 34 0 43 54 400 1 1988 200 65 4 42 70 200 2 1989 1 3 23 43 54 400 0 1989 with nearly 14,000 stations, each in its own row. the result of running princomp(data,cor=T) is just a mess. How do I 'tell' r what columns are species and what are environmental factors? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]