I am running R version 2.8.1 on Windows XP OS.
recs is a one-row, eighteen-column data.frame I want to insert into a DB2
sqlSave(channel, recs, tablename = "testappend_slt", append = TRUE,
+ rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE,
+ verbose = TRUE, oldstyle = FALSE,
+ safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE,
+ fast = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL)
Query: INSERT INTO "testappend_slt" ( "RECORDNO",
"ENDSTATUS", "CREATED" ) VALUES ( 999999, 1125080002314, 13,
', 'cell14 ', 'Nextra Gen2 ', 'IVT Gen2
', 'T710', 'E', 'PNX10.0b ', '1104a ',
00023, 'FORGETIT', 'Elaine
', 1227627900, 1228685220, 'C', '12/9/2008 11:06:11 '
I don't get any error message, but when I check, the record has not been
added to the table.
This observation troubles me: The third and fourth columns have class &
mode= character but they are not enclosed in single quotes like the other
character columns. This also applies to the UUT column. I notice the
values in these columns contain including only numerical digits,
Any suggestions for how to resolve are appreciated!
**************** Elaine McGovern Jones ************************
ISC Tape and DASD Storage Products
Characterization and Failure Analysis Engineering
Phone: 408 707 9588
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