Dear all, I feel like I've been reinventing the wheel with this code (implementing type = 'b' for Grid graphics), Has anyone here attempted this with success before? I found suggestions of overlapping large white points to mask the lines but it's not ideal. I welcome any comments on the code. (e.g., should it perhaps use polylines rather than segments?, is there an obvious optimization to make?, ...) Regards, baptiste # code reproduced below, barbedGrob <- function( x = 1:10/12, y = sin(1:10)/3+0.5, size=1, shape=21, space=1, colour="red", fill="blue", linetype=1, linewidth=1){ n <- length(x) dx <- diff(x) dy <- diff(y) # duplicate the points to make split segments new.x <- rep(x, each=2)[-c(1, 2*length(x))] new.y <- rep(y, each=2)[-c(1, 2*length(y))] new.size <- rep(size, each=2, length=2*n)[-c(1, 2*n)] length <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) # length of initial segments exclusion <- 0.5*space*convertX(unit(new.size, "char"), "npc", TRUE) scaling <- exclusion / rep(length, each=2) # exclusion factor around each point start <- seq(1, by=2, length(new.x)) # starting points end <- seq(2, by=2, length(new.x)) # end points x.start <- scaling[start] * dx[(start+1)/2] + new.x[start] # shift the points y.start <- scaling[start] * dy[(start+1)/2] + new.y[start] # keeping the direction of the initial segments x.end <- new.x[end] - scaling[end] * dx[end/2] y.end <- new.y[end] - scaling[end] * dy[end/2] grob.lines <- segmentsGrob( x0 = x.start, y0 = y.start, x1 = x.end, y1=y.end, default.units="native", gp = gpar( col = colour, lex = linewidth, lty = linetype, lineend = "butt" ) ) grob.points <- pointsGrob(x, y, pch=shape, size=unit(size, "char"), gp = gpar( col = colour, fill = fill, lex = linewidth, linejoin = "mitre" ) ) gTree(children = gList(grob.lines,grob.points)) } # example of use g <- barbedGrob(size=sample(1:3, 10, repl=T), fill=alpha("white", 0.3), col=alpha("cadetblue4", 0.8), linewidth=5, space=1.2) pushViewport(vp=viewport(width=1, height=1)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="thistle2")) grid.grill(gp=gpar(col="lavenderblush1", lwd=3, lty=3)) grid.draw(g) -- _____________________________ Baptiste Augui? School of Physics University of Exeter Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4QL, UK Phone: +44 1392 264187