re post from bkelcey at bkelcey at Wed Feb 27 15:09:48 CET 2008 If the response y is given as the proportion of successes out of n trials, and y, n, p, x, and z are vectors of length M, and the model is logit(p) b0 + b1*x + b2*z then for the score test for the null hypothesis b1=0 use des<-array(c(rep(1,M),x,z),dim=c(M,3)) m0<-glm(y~z,binomial,weights=n) f<-fitted(m0) efscor<-1:3 for (i in 1:3) { efscor[i]<-sum((y-f)*n*des[,i]) } fim<-outer(1:3,1:3) for (i in 1:3) { for (j in 1:3) { fim[i,j]<-sum(des[,i]*des[,j]*n*f*(1-f)) } } score<-crossprod(efscor,crossprod(solve(fim),efscor)) score ok? greg