Hi, ? I hope somebody can help me on how to use the hypergeometric function.? I did read through the R documentation on hypergeometric but not really sure what it means. ? I would like to evaluate the hypergeometric function as follows: F((2*alpha+1)/2, (2*alpha+2)/2 , alpha+1/2, betasq/etasq). ? where alpha <- .75; beta1 <- 7 ; beta2 <- 5.5; etasq <- ((beta1+beta2)/(2*beta1*beta2*(1-rho))) ^2 betasq <- ((beta1-beta2)^2+4*beta1*beta2*rho)/(4*beta1^2*beta2^2*(1-rho)^2) ? I?m not sure which function should be used- either phyper or ?qhyper or dhyper ? Thank you so much for your help.