>>>> "DM" == David Masson <david.masson at
>>>> on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 15:13:37 +0100
DM> I have a question concerning avoiding loops.
DM> I know the function "apply" and I have used it several
times, but I feel
DM> blocked
DM> with this situation :
DM> E <- array(X, dim = c(L,nlon,nlat) )
DM> data <- matrix(Y, nrow=nlon, ncol=nlat )
DM> G <- vector(length=L)
DM> for (l in 1:L)
DM> {
DM> G[l] <- function.F(data,E[l,,])
DM> }
DM> - "E" is a 3-dimensional array filled with a given data X.
DM> - "data" is a (nlon*nlat) matrix filled with given data Y.
DM> - "G" is my output vector.
DM> I want to apply the function "function.F", but this function
has an
DM> argument that depends
DM> on the index "l" ...
do you mean something like that?
sapply(1:L, function(idx, data, E) function.F(data, E[idx,,]), data, E)