As interest in topics that are often grouped under the catch-all umbrella of 'high performance computing with R' has grown over the last few months, it has been suggested to create a dedicated mailing list. Now, thanks to Martin Maechler who tirelessly looks after all R mailing matters, such a list has been set up as 'r-sig-hpc'. Suitable topics for discussion may comprise - parallel computing approaches for R with, but not limited to any of Rmpi, rpvm, snow, nws, rsprng, ... - use of batch / queue management system such as Slurm, Condor, Sun Grid - Engine, LSF, ... - profiling and debugging R, in particular for compiled - large-scale automation and scripting or any other topic you deem suitable for 'high performance computing with R'. List information, as well as subscription information, is available at Regards, Dirk -- Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.