On 10/17/08, Chibisi Chima-Okereke <chibco at gmail.com>
wrote:> Dear all,
> Does anyone know how to overlay a 3d line on a wireframe plot?
> I would also
> like to be able to keep the legend that you get when using the option:
> drape = TRUE
> when using the option: shade = TRUE.
The colors used when shade = TRUE are not completely defined by
height, so such a legend does not make sense. You can get an arbitrary
color key by providing a suitable colorkey argument (i.e., colorkey
list(col=..., at=...), etc.).
> In addition, I would like to know how to keep the axes while getting rid
> the box, I use this:
> par.box = list(col = NA)
> to get rid of the box but that also causes the axes to disappear.
?wireframe has an example (using cloud, but the same idea applies).