alexandre lejeune
2008-Oct-16 13:51 UTC
[R] tune function using sigmoid and polynomial kernels
Hello, When i use tune svm with sigmoid oy polynomial kernels to optimize Cost/gamma/coef0 (sigmoid) or cost/gamma/coef0/degree (polynomial) parameters, i can't get a summary of the best parameters. instead I got this result: dummyparameter 1 0 I use the following command line (7 fold cross validation): tunesv <- tune(svm, x, y, kernel="sigmoid", coef0= -1:1, gamma=10^(-6:-2), cost=10^(0:3), tunecontrol=tune.control(sampling="cross", cross=7)) When i use a similar function for radial kernels, I get the best gamma and cost parameters. Thanks for your help. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]