Following code bugs with "Memory allocation failed: Copying Node" error after parsing n thousand files. I have included the main code(below) and functions(after the main code). I am not sure which lines are causing the copying Node which results in memory failure. Please advise. #Beginning of Code for(i in 1:nrow(newFile)) { if(i%%3000 == 0) gc() fname <- as.character(newFile$"File Name"[i]) file = strsplit(fname,"/")[[1]][4] filein = "C:\\foldername\\" %+% file if((!file.exists(filein)) || (length(readLines(filein)) == 0) ) { ftp <- paste("ftp://servername/", fname, sep="") fileout = filein try(download.file(url=ftp, destfile=fileout)) } txt <- readLines(filein) if(length(txt) == 0){ next } xmlInside <- grep("</*XML", txt) xmlTxt <- txt[seq(xmlInside[1]+1, xmlInside[2]-1)] xml <- tryCatch(xmlMalformed2(filein), error = function(err) unProcessedFiles(filein) ) if(is.null(xml)) next if(is.null(xml)) { stop("File not processed: " %+% file) } processed=FALSE owner <- tryCatch( data.frame(datadate=xValHelper("periodOfReport"), CIK=xValHelper("issuerCik"), conm=xValHelper("issuerName"), tic=xValHelper("issuerTradingSymbol")), error = function(err) unProcessedFiles(filein) ) if(is.null(owner)) next nodes <- getNodeSet(xml, "//nonDerivativeTransaction") if(xmlSize(nodes) > 0){ processed <- tryCatch( processTransaction(owner, nodes, outputFile), error = function(err) unProcessedFiles(filein) ) if(is.null(processed)) next } } #End of Code #List of Functions xmlMalformed2 <- function(filename) { quotes <- c("&\r\nquot;", "&q\r\nuot;","&qu\r\not;","&quo\r\nt;",""\r\n;") amp <- c("&\r\namp;", "&a\r\nmp;","&am\r\np;","&\r\n;") xmlDoc<-NULL charStream <- readChar(filename,$size) charStreamNew <- gsubfn("<[^>]*>", ~ gsub("[\r\n]", "", x), charStream) for(k in quotes) { if(length(grep(k, charStreamNew)) > 0) { charStreamNew <- sub(k, """, charStreamNew) } } for(v in amp) { if(length(grep(v, charStreamNew)) > 0) { charStreamNew <- sub(v, "&", charStreamNew) } } charStreamNew <- gsub(""", "\"", charStreamNew) charStreamNew <- gsub("&", "and", charStreamNew) xmlVec<-readLines(textConnection(charStreamNew)) xmlInDoc <- grep("</*XML", xmlVec) xmlDoc <- xmlTreeParse(xmlVec[seq(xmlInDoc[1]+1, xmlInDoc[2]-1)], useInternal=TRUE) } processTransaction <- function(rptOwner, nodes, outFile) { transaction <- data.frame( transdate=xValHelperSpecial(nodes,"transactionDate"), securityTitle=xValHelperSpecial(nodes,"securityTitle"), transactionShares=if(length(xValHelperSpecial(nodes,"transactionShares")) =1) xValHelperSpecial(nodes,"transactionShares")[[1]] else xValHelperSpecial(nodes,"transactionShares")) out <- merge(rptOwner,transaction, all.x=TRUE) output<-cbind(out,file) #file - variable containing filename that data was read from write.table(output, file=outFile, append=TRUE, sep="\t", eol="\n", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) processed=TRUE return(processed) } unProcessedFiles <- function(filename) { write.table(filename, file="C:/errorFile.txt", append=TRUE, sep="\t", eol="\n", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) return(NULL) } #xValHelperSpecial and xValHelper are prerty similar hence avoiding code for xValHelper xValHelperSpecial <- function(node, xtag) { nobs <- xmlSize(node) out<-NULL if(xtag == "tagName1") { for (n in seq(1:nobs)) { temp <- xpathApply(node[[n]], "//" %+% xtag, xmlValue) if(length(temp) > 0) { if (n==1) assign("out",gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]]))) else assign("out",rbind(out,gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]])))) } else { if (n==1) assign("out","NA") else assign("out",rbind(out,"NA")) } } } else if (xtag == "tagName2") { for (n in seq(1:nobs)) { temp <- xpathApply(node[[n]], "//" %+% xtag, xmlValue) if(length(temp) > 0) { if (n==1) assign("out",gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]]))) else assign("out",rbind(out,gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]])))) } else { if (n==1) assign("out","NA") else assign("out",rbind(out,"NA")) } } } else { for (n in seq(1:nobs)) { temp <- xpathApply(node[[n]], "//" %+% xtag, xmlValue) if(length(temp) > 0) { if (n==1) assign("out",gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]]))) else assign("out",rbind(out,gsub('(^ +)|( +$)','',gsub('\n','',temp[[1]])))) } else { if (n==1) assign("out","NA") else assign("out",rbind(out,"NA")) } } } return (out) } xValAll <- function(xtag) xpathApply(xml, "//" %+% xtag, xmlValue) xParent<- function(xtag) xmlName(xpathApply(xml, paste("//" %+% xtag, "/../.."))[[1]]) #End of Functions -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at