I couldn't find clues from the achieve of R help that allow to retrieve the terms of aov. av2<- summary(aov(Prevalence~Random*Bednet*Flight)); av2 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Targeted 2 2.11e+10 1.05e+10 102.90 < 2e-16 *** Bednet 2 9.48e+09 4.74e+09 46.35 1.2e-13 *** Flight 1 1.08e+09 1.08e+09 10.55 0.0018 ** Targeted:Bednet 4 6.32e+09 1.58e+09 15.45 3.6e-09 *** Targeted:Flight 2 7.19e+08 3.59e+08 3.51 0.0350 * Bednet:Flight 2 5.12e+08 2.56e+08 2.50 0.0889 . Targeted:Bednet:Flight 4 3.41e+08 8.53e+07 0.83 0.5082 Residuals 72 7.37e+09 1.02e+08 I would like to extract the first unlabeled column: terms like Targeted, Bednet... for producing a table, and I know how to extract the others such as Df, F... Help is appreciated Weidong Gu, Department of Medicine University of Alabama, Birmingham 1900 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35294 Email: wgu@uab.edu PH: (205)-975-9053 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]