Hello, I am trying to set up the oneChannelGUI in R to analyse exon arrays but I can not start up the package. I receive the error message “ Tcl/Tk Extensions not found” I have followed the suggestion: “If you don''t know how to set environment variables in Windows, one way to make sure that R can find the Tcl/Tk extensions Tktable2.8 and bwidget1.6 (Tktable2.9 and bwidget1.8 are used in my installation) is to copy them from your ActiveTcl installation e.g. in C:\Tcl\lib into the Tcl subdirectory of your R installation.” It still doesn’t work so could you please give me som further instructions how I should proceed. Thank You! Best wishes, Susann Fält, Phd [[alternative HTML version deleted]]