I have recently started learning R. I converted a Stata datafile into an R image file, but I am unable to do anything with the data. For example, I am unable to calculate the mean of any variable or create a scatterplot of some of the data. I always get a message saying, "Error in plot(rgnpc, incmean) : object "rgnpc" not found" when I attempt to make a simple plot of the two noted variables. I get the following when I attempt to get the mean of a particular variable: "Error in mean(incmean) : object "incmean" not found." What should I do? Cordially, Alex [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Alexander Ovodenko <alexander.ovodenko <at> gmail.com> writes:> > I have recently started learning R. I converted a Stata datafile into an R > image file, but I am unable to do anything with the data.You probably forgot to read in the data; converting alone does not help. Try ls() to get a list of the available objects. Dieter
Dear sir, I have this persistent problem trying to use the lmer function. After loading the lmer4 library and submitted my input command Model1<- lmer(IndividualNum~BaitType*TrapType+( 1 |dTransect/dTrapStation/Expedition/Community), family=poisson(link=log)) It does fine but when I want it to display my model > > summary(Model1) I get this strange error message. Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class "table" What am I not doing right? And how can I rectify this problem. Regards Kwaku --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hello, Tell me please, can I get a sourcse code for 'lda' from MASS? Is MASS package still present in the latest R-2.6.2 version (I couldn't find it)? Thankful in advance, Alexey.
Hello, I have one more question. I looked through MASS.c file but I couldn't find lda(...) function here. I expected that 'lda' function is a part of MASS source code. Where can I find the source code for 'lda' - function? Best wishes, Alexey.