Dear friends, I'm interested in obtaining bootstrapped standard errors for a model that I'm estimating. I do realize that i can use the sample command and do the bootstrap by hand. But I was hoping somebody can help me on how to use the "boot" package. The model is as follows # Likelihood function <- function (beta, data1, data2) { .... .... } ## Gradient <- function(beta, data1, data2) { ..... ..... } # Dataset data1 <- cbind(.....) data2 <- cbind(....) startval <- rep(0,ncol(data1)+ncol(data2)) # Optimization run estimate <- est.out <- optim(startval,,, method="BFGS", data1=data1, data2=data2, hessian=T, control=c(fnscale=-1)) params <- estimate$par Thanks in advance and wishing everybody a happy new year. Regards Anup --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]