Hello, I'm trying to find out how I can move the y axis label of a horizontal barplot further away from the axis, in order to avoid overlap between the names (which I have rotated using las=1) and the label. I have been fiddling with the graphical parameters but nothing seems to work. Maybe a graphical representation of the graphical parameters would be helpful (cf the CSS box model). Thanks! Pieter -- This message was sent on behalf of pieterprovoost at gmail.com at openSubscriber.com http://www.opensubscriber.com/messages/r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch/topic.html
Here's an example of my problem: modelledprofile <- c(7.072289e-01, 2.625354e-01, 2.932886e-02, 8.986474e-04, 8.155270e-06, 2.537943e-08, 3.137954e-11, 1.729522e-14, 4.579875e-18, 6.069698e-22, 4.100828e-26, 1.423359e-30, 1.272139e-35, 5.449925e-46, 1.431925e-57, 1.629660e-70) depthnames <- c("0-0.5","0.5-1","1-1.5","1.5-2","2-2.5","2.5-3","3-3.5","3.5-4","4-4.5","4.5-5","5-5.5","5.5-6","6-7","7-8","8-9","9-10") par(omi=c(0,0.5,0,0)) barplot(rev(modelledprofile),horiz=TRUE,xlim=c(0,1),col="cornflowerblue",names.arg=rev(depthnames),las=1,ylab="depth") Thanks -- This message was sent on behalf of pieterprovoost at gmail.com at openSubscriber.com http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/r-help at r-project.org/8030546.html
Thanks guys, that's exactly what I was looking for! Pieter -- This message was sent on behalf of pieterprovoost at gmail.com at openSubscriber.com http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/r-help at r-project.org/8030546.html