Steve Powell a ?crit :> hi list members
> I am trying to use odfWeave with R 2.5.1 on Windows XP.
> however when running e.g.
> odfWeave(demoFile, outputFile)
> I get:
> Error in odfWeave(demoFile, outputFile) : Error unzipping file
> In addition: Warning message:
> unzip not found in: system(zipCmd[2], invisible = TRUE)
> presumably my zip and unzip are not set up correctly but I dont know how to
do that. I installed zip and unzip from as suggested in the help
file, and think I managed set my Windows path to include the folders where they
are installed, but still no luck. Any ideas?
> thanks
It'll give you, among other things :
[ ... ]
zipCmd = c("zip -r $$file$$ .", "unzip -o
cleanup = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
zipCmd: a string for the zipping/unzipping the 'odt' file via a
system call. The token '$$file$$' will be gsub'ed with the
file name.
[ ... ]
Emmanuel Charpentier