Got a little bit of a different answer:
> x <- "Start End
+ 440 443
+ 380 443
+ 290 468"> <- read.table(textConnection(x), header=TRUE)
> # create matrix to determine queue size (overlap)
> x.q <- rbind(cbind($Start, 1), cbind($End, -1))
> # sort
> x.q <- x.q[order(x.q[,1], x.q[,2]),]
> x.q <- cbind(x.q, queue=cumsum(x.q[,2]))
> # remove duplicated entries
> x.q <- x.q[!duplicated(x.q[,1]),]
> x.q
[1,] 290 1 1
[2,] 380 1 2
[3,] 440 1 3
[4,] 443 -1 2
[5,] 468 -1 0> # now output ranges -- '0' indicates end of an interval
> x.intervals <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(x.q) - 1), function(.row){
+ if (x.q[.row, 'queue'] == 0) next # skip
+ c(Start=x.q[.row, 1], End=x.q[.row + 1, 1])
+ }))> x.intervals
Start End
[1,] 290 380
[2,] 380 440
[3,] 440 443
[4,] 443 468>
On 10/31/07, Jo?o Fadista <Joao.Fadista at>
wrote:> Dear all,
> I would like to be able to know the intervals of my data that overlap
between them. Here it goes a small example:
> Input:
> Start End
> 440 443
> 380 443
> 290 468
> Desired output:
> Start End
> 290 380
> 380 440
> 440 468
> Best regards,
> Jo?o Fadista
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390
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