I am not sure I understand your question. I get the following output
from your code and it does not look like act.surv.time is repeated:
> m
treat strata time censorTime act.surv.time censoring
[1,] 1 1 0.8331923 0.65472393 0.65472393 1
[2,] 1 1 0.3389548 0.35319727 0.33895477 0
[3,] 1 1 0.9163048 0.27026015 0.27026015 1
[4,] 1 1 1.1228471 0.99268406 0.99268406 1
[5,] 1 1 0.2782769 0.63349326 0.27827691 0
So what is the problem?
On 10/18/07, raymond chiruka <rtchiruka at yahoo.com>
wrote:> hie
> i'm tryimg to generate two survival data using the following code (I
know its ugly ) but it seems to repeat two of the variables can any one tell
me whats the porblem.
> n=20
> n1=n/2
> n2=n/4
> a11=1 ;a12=1.4 ;a21=16 ;a22=a12 * a21
> t1<-array(1,c(n1))
> t2<-array(2,c(n1))
> treatgrp=matrix(c(t1,t2))
> st11<-array(1,c(n2))
> st12<-array(2,c(n2))
> st21<-array(1,c(n2))
> st22<-array(2,c(n2))
> strata=matrix(c(st11,st12,st21,st22))
> time11=array(rweibull(n2,a11,1))
> time12=array(rweibull(n2,a12,1))
> time21=array(rweibull(n2,a21,1))
> time22=array(rweibull(n2,a22,1))
> time=matrix(c(time11, time12, time21, time22))
> censorTime=runif(n,0,1)
> m=cbind(treatgrp,strata,time,censorTime) .
> act.surv.time<-pmin(m[,"time"],m[,"censorTime"])
> m<-cbind(m,act.surv.time)
> m<-cbind(m,0)
> m[m[,3]>m[,4],6]<-1
> colnames(m)[6]<-"censoring"
> m
> act.surv.time is repeated at the end of the data frame.
> thanks
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390
What is the problem you are trying to solve?