Ebi, keisyu, or whatever your name is,
I know that this questions has already been answered by the shardplot
author in a private thread, where this has been posted under a different
name. Why do you obscure your real name on the list???
The answer by Nils Raabe was that shardsplot is intended to draw the
cluster map but adding sample numbers is more difficult. His quick
proposal that needs some minor tweaking is:
xycords <- cbind(kronecker(1:14, rep(1,6)), rep(1:6, 14))
labs <- sapply(1:nrow(xycords),
function(x) paste(as.character(which(
(iris.som3$visual[,1] + 1 == xycords[x,1]) *
(iris.som3$visual[,2] + 1 == xycords[x,2]) == 1)),
collapse = ";"))
text(cbind(xycords[,2], xycords[,1]), labs, cex=0.75)
Uwe Ligges
ebi wrote:> Dear All,
> Would you please tell me how to display the sample No. on the map ?
> ---Below commands don't display the sample No.(from 1 to 150).---
> library(som)
> library(klaR)
> iris.som3 <- som(iris[,1:4], xdim = 14,ydim = 6)
> library(klaR); opar<- par(xpd = NA)
> shardsplot(iris.som3, data.or = iris,label = TRUE)
> legend(3.5,14.3, col = rainbow(3), xjust =0.5, yjust = 0,legend >
levels(iris[, 5]),pch = 16, horiz = TRUE)
> par(opar)
> ----------------
> Ebi
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