Hello, I have been fitting nonlinear models with random effects using nlme with the corCAR1 correlation structure, as I have unequally spaced observations per subject, and serially correlated errors. My question is regarding the Phi parameter. Example of output: Correlation Structure: Continuous AR(1) Formula: ~day | subject Parameter estimate(s): Phi 0.8475842 After reading the Pinheiro and Bates (2000), and Jones (1993) texts I am uncertain whether the estimate of Phi given in the output is: - the correlation between two observations one time unit apart, i.e. phi(t2-t1) = phi(1) = 0.8475842 - or is the parameter in the exponential term, exp(-phi(t2-t1)), i.e the correlation between two observations one unit apart is exp(-0.8475842*(t2-t1)) exp(-0.8475842*1) = 0.4284 - or if there is another interpretation altogether Thank-you very much for any clarification on this, I appreciate your help! Kerrie Nelson, Biostatistics Unit, MGH The information transmitted in this electronic communication...{{dropped}}