Hello! I am using glmmML for a logitic regression with random effect. I use the posterior.mode as an estimate for the random effects. These can be very different from the estimates obtained using SAS , NLMIXED in the random with out= option. (all the fixed and standard error of random effect estimators are almost identical) Can someone explain to me why is that. The codes I use: R: glmm1<-glmmML(mort30 ~ x , data=dat2,cluster=hospital,family=binomial) print(sort(glmm1$posterior.mode)) SAS: * proc* *nlmixed* data*=*dat*;* eta = b0 + b1*x+ u; expeta = exp(eta); p = expeta/(*1*+expeta); model mort30 ~ binomial(*1*,p); random u ~ normal(*0*,s2) subject=hospital out=blue; *run*; * proc* *sort* data=blue;by estimate; * proc* *print* data=blue;*run*; ** *THANKS FOR THE HELP* *RON* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]