I am trying to fit a nonlinear model using nlm(). My application of nlm() is a bit complicated. Here is the story behind the model being fit: The observer is trying to detect a signal corrupted by noise. On each trial, the observer gets stim=signal+rnorm(). In the simulation below I have 500 trials. Each row of stim is a new trial. On each trial, if the cross-correlation between the stim and the signal is above some criterion level (crit=.5 here), the observer says "signal" (resp=1), else he says "no signal" (resp=0). So the situation is this: I know resp and stim for each trial. I would like to estimate crit and signal from these. (You might say that I already know the signal and crit. But the idea here is that the observer cross-correlates the stim with an internal template that will not be identical to the actual signal. I want to estimate this template. Also the observer's crit may differ from the "correct" one.) In the code below, please help me get the f() and nlm() bits right. I want to estimate signal and crit given stim and resp. Thanks very much for any help! Bill x<-1:100 con<-.1 signal<-con*cos(2*pi*3*x/length(x)) crit<-.5 noisesd<-.1 # each row is a new stim (trial). 500 trials resp<-array(dim=500) stim<-matrix(nrow=500,ncol=100) for (i in 1:500) { stim[i,]<-signal+rnorm(n=length(signal), mean=0, sd=noisesd) if (sum(stim[i,]*signal)>crit) (resp[i]<-1) else (resp[i]<-0) } f<-function(signalest) { r<-array(dim=500) for (i in 1:500) { r[i]<-sum(stim[i,]*signalest)>critest } sum((r-resp)^2) } fit<-nlm(f, stim[1,])
William Simpson <william.a.simpson <at> gmail.com> writes:> > I am trying to fit a nonlinear model using nlm(). > The observer is trying to detect a signal corrupted by noise. > On each trial, the observer gets stim=signal+rnorm(). > > In the simulation below I have 500 trials. Each row of stim is a new trial. > On each trial, if the cross-correlation between the stim and > the signal is above some criterion level (crit=.5 here), the > observer says "signal" (resp=1), else he says "no signal" > (resp=0). > > Thanks very much for any help! > Bill > >It sounds like you are doing a classification image experiment. You can use tapply() to get means for each x as a function of the observer's classifications and then combine them as a function of hits, false alarms, misses, correct rejections using the weights 1 -1, -1, 1, as in Ahumada's original approach. You can do this with lm() if you set it up so that the noise is the response and the classifications are a 4 level factor that prediccts them and the contrasts are set up as above. I think that it would be better to set it up as a glm, however, where the responses of the observer are binary responses, the noise and the presence/absence of the signal are predictor variables, with a binomial family. I have example code that does each of these if you are interested and if it is only for simulation, see @Article{pmid16277294, Author="Thomas, James P and Knoblauch, Kenneth", Title="{{F}requency and phase contributions to the detection of temporal luminance modulation}", Journal="J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis", Year="2005", Volume="22", Number="10", Pages="2257--2261", Month="Oct" } for which I can send you the code also. Ken
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