On Windows you need:
- download and install Cygwin (cygwin.com) with default options,
supposedly you install into c:\cygwin. Add path to
c:\cygwin\bin;c:\cygwin\lib to your system PATH
- download and unpack Rtools
Assuming you have them in C:\Rtools, add c:\RTools\bin
to your PATH _in front of_ cygwin
- download and install MinGW, you will want to get MinGW-5.1.3.exe,
which will download and install the rest. You will want to select
at least gcc and make. Add the path to c:\MinGW\bin to your system
PATH, right in front of Rtools
- download and install ActivePerl from (activestate.com), ensure path
is added to your PATH
For help files:
- get MS hhc, comes as part of htmlhelp.exe from here:
this is Microsoft HTML Help Compiler, add path to it to your PATH
- you might want to consider MikTex, dowload, install, add to path if
you have a package and a help system a should be built
Be sure that when installing R you included sources for compilation! You
might need to reinstall R. When this done, you can try executing R CMD
SHLIB or R CMD build --binary if you have a package.
Please refer to "Writing R Extensions" (CRAN) for complete reference
to this guide for step-by-step description:
Dr Oleg Sklyar | EBI-EMBL, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK | +44-1223-494466
Tim Smith wrote:> Hi all,
> I was trying to set up an interface for using C functions in R. For this,
my R file hello2.r is:
> hello2 <- function(n) {
> .C("hello", as.integer(n))
> }
> hello2(3)
> and my hello.c file is:
> #include <R.h>
> void hello(int *n)
> {
> int i;
> for(i=0; i < *n; i++) {
> Rprintf("Hello, world!\n");
> }
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>From my windows command line, I execute:
>> R CMD SHLIB hello.c
> but I get the error message:
> Error: syntax error in "R CMD". I am trying to look up
information on the web page at:
> As I understand it, I need to load some files, but I don't understand
which commands I need to execute to compile & execute my 'hello
world' code.
> I am running R 2.4.0 on Windows XP machine.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> thanks!
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