On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Marc Bernard wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to use stepAIC for an lmer object but it doesn't work.
Here is an example:
No, and it is not documented to work with lmer objects. stepAIC is
support software for a book, and lmer is not discussed in that book (and
postdates the book considerably). lmer does not return an object of the
type considered by stepAIC (it has an S4 class and it not at all similar
to e.g. glm).
> x1 <- gl(4,100)
> x2 <- gl(2,200)
> time <- rep(1:4,100)
> ID <- rep(1:100, each=4)
> Y <- runif(400) <=.5
> levels(Y) <- c(1,0)
> dfr <- as.data.frame(cbind(ID,Y,time,x1,x2))
> fm0.lmer <- lmer(Y ~ time+x1+x2 + (1|ID), data = dfr, family =
> fm.lmer <- stepAIC(fm0.lmer,scope = list(upper =
~I(time-6)*SF_0_N4*SEX, lower = ~1,trace = FALSE))
> I obtain the following error:
> Error in terms.default(object) : no terms component
> I would be very grateful for any suggestion,
> Bernard,
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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