Do you mean something like this?
> mat <- cbind(rnorm(330),rnorm(330),rnorm(330),rnorm(330))
> head(mat)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -0.4668818 0.03015618 -0.72568113 0.6053179
[2,] -0.2625691 -2.20022333 -0.93728544 0.5455864
[3,] -3.4599164 0.71049089 -0.91545599 -1.6744806
[4,] -1.2757082 -1.27079001 0.95844728 -0.1208091
[5,] 0.7761458 -0.38686485 -1.51233490 -2.0337612
[6,] 0.5032718 0.40763612 0.08763122 0.9083149
> sel <- seq(1,330,by=30)
> matplot(t(mat[sel,]),type="b",pch=15)
For principal components analysis, ?princomp or ?prcomp
On 14/09/06, Ben Salah Mohamed Selim <>
> Hello,
> I am a new user of R statistical project. So, I have a matrix (4 columns
> and 330 rows) and I would like to have PCA (Principal Component Analysis).
> Besides, I would like to draw every 30 rows from 330 with a different
> but I don't know how.
> Could you help me by showing how can I draw every 30 rows with a
> different colour?
> Thank you very much
> Selim
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Said Business School
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