2006/6/7, Recep Aykaya <recepaykaya@gmail.com>:>
> hi.
> i'm a statistics student and studying bootstrap in R.
> i'm trying to draw bootstrap samples from a sample, using the following
> code:
> > *boot = numeric(200)*
> *> {for (i in 1:200)*
> * boot [i] = (sample(data,replace=T))}*
> i obtain 200 samples but all of them are the same.
> i want to obtain different samples. what should i do? can you please help
> me
> if possible.
> thank you.
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I think you have forgotten an parameter of the sample function. Indeed the
help page give these information:
sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)
size: non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose
By default 'size' is equal to 'length(x)' so that
generates a random permutation of the elements of 'x' (or
Therefore try to add the number of observed values with this:
nb=100 #the number of values for each sample
boot = c()
for (i in 1:200)
boot [i] = mean(sample(x=data,size=nb,replace=TRUE)) # if you try to
estimate the mean
Clément Viel
Student in Polytech-Lille's engineering school
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