I'm using the survfit() function with the Cox proportional hazards model, and having trouble producing fitted survivor curves when I ask survfit to use newdata recorded over multiple periods for the same individual. I'm using the counting process formulation, as I have time-varying covariates. For example, cph.m1 <- coxph(Surv(time=sdatenrm, time2=edatenrm, event=censor)~age) xhyp <- list(age=c(50,60), sdatenrm=c(1,20), edatenrm=c(21,40), censor=c(0,1) ) survfit(cph.m1,newdata=xhyp,conf.int=.95,individual=FALSE) works fine, but then running survfit(cph.m1,newdata=xhyp,conf.int=.95,individual=TRUE) gives this error message: Error in temp[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions Is there something wrong with the way I'm giving survfit() newdata? Thanks, Chris Adolph _____________________________________________ Christopher Adolph Assistant Professor of Political Science Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences Box 354320 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-4320 cadolph at u.washington.edu www.chrisadolph.com