The help for filled.contour suggests using the plot.axes argument to annotate a
plot, try changing the last part of your 3rd example to:
Hope this helps
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
greg.snow at
(801) 408-8111
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at
> [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> Nicolas Degallier
> Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:20 AM
> To: Ethz. Ch
> Cc: Roger Bivand
> Subject: [R] imaging and contouring
> Dear R'Helpers and Colleagues,
> I have looked in the documentation, asked to some colleagues
> in the lab, but was unable to solve the following difficulty.
> I am running R on a iMac G5 with OS 10.4.
> The file below (73 rows x 144 col) shows the values of a
> climatic index on the globe with a grid of 2,5 ? x 2,5 ? (NA
> = no value):
> With image() and map() and running the following function:
> dessin_i<-function(nomfichier="ERA40NA.dat",lat=73,long=144)
> { #d?finition de la fonction
> library(maps)
> a <- read.table(nomfichier) #lecture du fichier
> z <- array(0,dim=c(long,lat)) #cr?ation d'un tableau de 0
> z <- t(a) #transposition de la matrice a en z
> z1<-rbind(z[65:long,],z[1:64,]) #centrage de la carte sur greenwich
> nlat<-seq(-90,90,2.5) #d?finition des latitudes / ordonn?es de 2,5?
> en 2,5?
> nlong <- seq(-180,177.5,2.5) #d?finition des longitudes /abcisses de
> 2,5? en 2,5?
> image(nlong,nlat,z1,col=rainbow
> (100),xlab="longitude",ylab="latitude") #tra?age
> map(add=TRUE) #superposition de la carte des continents et pays
> }
> And then:
> >dessin_i()
> I got the following figure (anonymous ftp):
> running the following:
> dessin_c<-function(nomfichier="ERA40NA.dat",lat=73,long=144)
> { #d?finition de la fonction
> library(maps) #chargement du package maps
> a <- read.table(nomfichier) #lecture des donn?es
> z <- array(0,dim=c(long,lat)) #cr?ation d'un tableau de 0
> z <- t(a) #transposition de la matrice a en z
> z1<-rbind(z[65:long,],z[1:64,]) #centrage de la carte sur greenwich
> nlat<-seq(-90,90,2.5) #d?finition des latitudes / ordonn?es de 2,5?
> en 2,5?
> nlong <- seq(-180,177.5,2.5) #d?finition des longitudes /abcisses de
> 2,5? en 2,5?
> contour(nlong,nlat,z1,col=rainbow
> (100),xlab="longitude",ylab="latitude") #tra?age
> map(add=TRUE) #superposition de la carte des continents et pays
> }
> and:
> >dessin_c()
> I got the following figure (anonymous ftp):
> Finally, running:
> dessin_f<-function(nomfichier="ERA40NA.dat",lat=73,long=144)
> { #d?finition de la fonction
> library(maps) #chargement du package maps
> a <- read.table(nomfichier) #lecture des donn?es
> z <- array(0,dim=c(long,lat)) #cr?ation d'un tableau de 0
> z <- t(a) #transposition de la matrice a en z
> z1<-rbind(z[65:long,],z[1:64,]) #centrage de la carte sur greenwich
> nlat<-seq(-90,90,2.5) #d?finition des latitudes / ordonn?es de 2,5?
> en 2,5?
> nlong <- seq(-180,177.5,2.5) #d?finition des longitudes /abcisses de
> 2,5? en 2,5?
> filled.contour(nlong,nlat,z1,col=rainbow
> (100),xlab="longitude",ylab="latitude") #tra?age
> map(add=TRUE) #superposition de la carte des continents et pays
> }
> and:
> >dessin_f()
> I got the following figure (anonymous ftp):
> It may be similar to what I am looking for, i.e. the first figure
> with smoothed contours and a scale of the colors/values but I have
> been unable (or didn't found the right options) to put the
> map in the
> right place.
> Is it possible and how to do it:
> 1) to use "filled.contour()" without the scale?
> 2) to put again the map and the coloured contours adjusted?
> 3) to obtain the colours of the first figure with
> function?
> A subsidiary question is yet: how to obtain levels lines thicker and/
> or in other colour only for specified values of z1?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Nicolas Degallier
> UMR 7159 / IRD UR182
> Laboratoire d'Oc?anographie et du Climat, Exp?rimentation et
> Approches Num?riques (LOCEAN)
> Tour 45-55, 4e ?t., case 100, 4 place Jussieu
> 75252 Paris Cedex 5 France
> t?l: (33) 01 44 27 51 57
> fax: (33) 01 44 27 38 05
> E-mail: <Nicolas.Degallier at>
> pdf reprints (anonymous ftp):
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