Assuming you mean the hist2d function from the gplots package,
you can save the results of the histogram as an object, and do
whatever you want with the counts.
myhist <- hist2d(gps2, nbins=200)
myhist$counts # shows you the values of the counts for each bin
You can for example take the difference between counts from your
two histograms and plot them as an image, or whatever.
On 4/5/06, Philipp H. Mohr <phm4@kent.ac.uk>
> Hello,
> I have created two histograms with:
> hist2d(gps2, nbins=200, col =
> Both of them have the same range and the same number of bins.
> Now I would like to compare them bin by bin and plot the results.
> Could someone please tell me how to do that. I searched the man pages and
> the web, but couldn't find anything.
> Thank you very much.
> Phil
Sarah Goslee
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