Dan Rabosky
2006-Feb-15 23:28 UTC
[R] using kernel density estimates to infer mode of distribution
Hello... Is it possible to use "density" or another kernel density estimator to identify the mode of a distribution? When I use 'density', the resulting density plot of my data is much cleaner than the original noisy histogram, and I can clearly see the signal that I am interested in. E.g., suppose my data is actually drawn from two or more normal (or other) distributions. Looking at the kernel density plots, it seems that the estimator gives a good approximation of the modal values of each distribution, but I can't figure out how to obtain these values short of visually estimating the location of the mode using the plot(density). Is there a relatively easy way to do this? Thanks in advance for your help! Dan Rabosky Dan Rabosky Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cornell University Ithaca, NY14853-2701 USA web: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/evb/Graduates_Dan.htm
Adelchi Azzalini
2006-Feb-16 09:28 UTC
[R] using kernel density estimates to infer mode of distribution
On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 18:28:25 -0500, Dan Rabosky wrote: DR> DR> Is it possible to use "density" or another kernel density DR> estimator to identify the mode of a distribution? When I use DR> 'density', the resulting a simple option is of the form fit$eval[fit$estimate==max(fit$estimate)] assuming that fit$eval is the vector of evaluation points, and fit$estimate the corrisponding density estimates (this is the sort of output produced by sm.density) Here I have assumed there is single mode and we are in the scalar case, for simplicity. Some variant required in the more general case. best regards, Adelchi Azzalini -- Adelchi Azzalini <azzalini at stat.unipd.it> Dipart.Scienze Statistiche, Universit?? di Padova, Italia tel. +39 049 8274147, http://azzalini.stat.unipd.it/