Hi there, Does anyone have something better (read faster) than the following for the CDF of an A-type Gram-Charlier expansion ? Many thanks in advance, Tolga fact <- function (x) gamma(1 + x) gc <- function(w,skew=0,kurtosis=0) # gram-charlier density # to be positive, must respect the constraints: # [-1.0493,1.0493] and [3,7] respectively { sapply(w,function(y) dnorm(y)- skew/fact(3)*drv(dnorm,y,3)+ kurtosis/fact(4)*drv(dnorm,y,4)) } gcd <-function(w,skew=0,kurtosis=0) # gram-charlier cdf integrate(function(x) gc(x,skew,kurtosis),-Inf,w)$value