>>>>> "Erich" == Erich Neuwirth <erich.neuwirth at
>>>>> on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:06:38 +0100 writes:
Erich> I need to define a small helper function
Erich> which should not be listed by ls().
Erich> What is the best and cleanest way of achieving this?
"it depends":
1) if it's part of a package, the best and cleanest is
- have the package use a namespace
- do nothing special at, so your helper function is not
exported from the namespace, and hence not much visible at all.
The encouraged use of much more such helper function
(i.e. "modular programming") is one prominent reason
for using name spaces.
2) If it's just part of a small script {anything else should be
in a package anyway :-)},
just start the function name with a "." (dot).
Then, ls() only would list it when used with the additional
argument setting ls(..., all.names = TRUE)
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich