I was wandering how to set the labels for the axis and how to set the title so that the default title name is not displayed under the title I set. I also use the following to save the plot to a file but it does not seem to save (I use postscript for use in my Latex document) x = seq(0,30,0.01) postscript("cumIAT.ps") plot(ecdf(w1a), do.point=FALSE) lines(x, pexp(x,0.405156250)) title('Cummlative Plot of Monday IATs for entire 15 Weeks') dev.off() Many thanks Mark Miler
I was wandering how to set the labels for the axis and how to set the title so that the default title name is not displayed under the title I set. I also use the following to save the plot to a file but it does not seem to save (I use postscript for use in my Latex document) x = seq(0,30,0.01) postscript("cumIAT.ps") plot(ecdf(w1a), do.point=FALSE) lines(x, pexp(x,0.405156250)) title('Cummlative Plot of Monday IATs for entire 15 Weeks') dev.off() Many thanks Mark Miler