I hope others may find this useful. I use R in many different directories. By adding the following line to the .Rprofile file: utils:::setWindowTitle(paste("-",getwd())) the titlebar of each R instance shows the directory from which it was started. I have tested this with rterm.exe and rgui.exe under Windows and with RECENT versions of R only. ----- For changing directories during a session, I use the following function, a slight modification of Andy Liaw's cd() function that also changes the titlebar: cd <- function(dir = tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()), saveOld=NA, loadNew=TRUE) { # From Andy Liaw ... additions by MHP # Change the working directory during an R session # # First check that the tcl-tk package is available: stopifnot(require(tcltk)) # Print any error message from trying to load: if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") flush.console() ## MHP # Warn user if saving existing workspace was not chosen: (MHP) if (is.na(saveOld)) { tmp = tclvalue(tkmessageBox(message="Save current workspace image?", type="yesnocancel",title="Changing directories",icon="question")) saveOld = switch(tmp, "yes"=TRUE, "no"=FALSE, "cancel"=return(invisible(NULL))) } # Save old workspace: if (saveOld) save.image(compress=TRUE) # Change directory: # Note: the need to evaluate "dir" on the next line causes the "tclvalue" call # in the function definition (first line) to take place now: if (dir=="") return(invisible(NULL)) # Fail gracefully if "CANCEL" chosen from TK dialog (MHP) setwd(dir) # Remove all the data from the old working directory: rm(list=ls(all=TRUE, envir=.GlobalEnv), envir=.GlobalEnv) # Change the window title: setWindowTitle(paste("-",dir)) # Load the new data: if (loadNew) { if (file.exists(".RData")) { loaded <- load(".RData", envir=.GlobalEnv) return(invisible(loaded)) } else { cat("Warning: .RData not found in new directory\n") return(invisible(FALSE)) } } } ----- Although both these bits of code have been used, they may have errors. Comments and corrections welcome. -- Michael H. Prager, Ph.D. Population Dynamics Team NOAA Center for Coastal Habitat and Fisheries Research NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 USA http://shrimp.ccfhrb.noaa.gov/~mprager/