Dear all I am still fishing for help on this theme. In Zar 1999 page 563-565 he describes a "Tukey-type multiple comparison" for testing among proportions. It involves comparisons of ranked proportions transformed to degrees. In the following pages there are a couple of similar comparisons. I cannot find an example of this in R. Is there such a thing? Cheers Chris Buddenhagen, Botany Department, Charles Darwin Research Station, Santa Cruz,Galapagos. Mail: Charles Darwin Foundation, Casilla 17-01-3891 Avenida 6 de Diciembre N36-109 y Pasaje California Quito, ECUADOR ______________________________________________________________________ EL CONTENIDO DE ESTE MENSAJE ES DE ABSOLUTA RESPONSABILIDAD DEL AUTOR. FUNDACION CHARLES DARWIN WWW.DARWINFOUNDATION.ORG [[alternative HTML version deleted]]